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الأحد، 10 مايو 2015

تحميل المتصفح الرائع نسخة 2015 Opera 21.0.1432.57 Final

يعتبر برنامج Opera 21 اخف واسرع المتصفحات واشهرها على الاطلاق يتميز بالخفه والسرعه وهو الافضل لدى الكثير  

Opera 19

Opera 19 is a fast and free alternative web browser, that includes tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking, integrated searches. Opera 19 web browser is based on Chromium and Blink (the rendering engine used by Chromium). It has come up with bigger guns to enter the race for the most popular web browser, as the current leading role is played between Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. It also has the advanced functions such as Opera Mail program, RSS Newsfeeds and IRC chat. The web browser has one intuitive, powerful location for searching and navigating the web. Search using multiple providers and view site suggestions as you type. The Discover feature gives you top-quality news and entertainment from around the globe

حمل البرنامج برابط مباشر من الشركه من هنــــــا

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